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There is something liberating about turning 50. It’s like I’ve prepared for this moment my entire life. I made mistakes. I had difficult experiences. I’ve had to learn lessons the hard way. Now that I’m 50, it feels like I’ve arrived. I know who I am. My hips are a bit wider and my skin is changing. My eyelids are droopy and where in the world did these dark circles come from? While I figure out how I fit in whether I’m “Slaying it” with my 19-year-old daughter, or I’m scheduling cultural dates with my friends to watch the latest Broadway show, I’m finding the new me. Where I fit it. I look at the insecurities I once had and find comfort in my changing skin and body.

This next chapter of life play’s out a little differently from my 20s. Earlier, my skin was more resilient. Soon, I will be going through a change of life where I stop producing eggs, and my body figures out how to function without hormones. My skin will more than likely become dryer and keeping my skin hydrated will be a challenge. I will deal with a perpetual balloon deflating under my skin losing the elastin and collagen in my face, and lips while watching my neck transition to crepey-looking skin. I’ll develop skin tags and wrinkles along with bruising more easily. I’m not trying to be depressing, this is the reality of what many women face as they age. Finding a way to feel good about ourselves, and confident while keeping our skin looking youthful is always the goal.

If you are in the next chapter of your life and you resonated with some if not all of what I said, then let’s take your skin to the next level. It’s time to exercise on the regular and watch our sugar. We need to moderate our caffeine, red meat, and cholesterol intake. For skincare, it is absolutely pivotal to move to professional skin care products. Hear me on this. You will not get what you need from the grocery store. Skincare is not the place to cut costs. With the correct home prescriptives, I can help my clients improve their skin 60-70% from home prescriptives alone without professional treatments. Just think of what we can do WITH professional treatments. A lot depends on the current health of your skin and whether or not we need to heal the barrier before addressing signs of aging.

Here is a checklist to discuss with your Skin Revisionist:

  1. Water intake
  2. Diet/types of food
  3. Daily skincare regimen
  4. Adding Retinol to your regimen
  5. Adding an occlusive to your regimen
  6. Adding a facial oil to your regimen
  7. Adding a weekly mask to address skincare concerns.

If you are a young person reading this, take note. We can absolutely do preventative care in order to preserve your skin as you age. The number one statement I hear from people in their 50s and older is….”I wish I took better care of my skin when I was younger”. Avoid the tanning booths. Drink water. Eat something healthy every day. Exercise. These are good daily practices. Acknowledge regret tenderly, but make good choices moving forward. We are all aging and we can’t stop time from ticking, but we can be intentional with our actions.

Shop professional skincare at www.homeprescriptives.com

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