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TEWL is a culprit to skin conditions.  It's important to use quality skincare products to help repair the skin while increasing water intake.
Incandescent Skin and TEWL

Skin conditions can be upsetting and frustrating. Looking in the mirror can sometimes become depressing because the skin is out of control or resisting home treatments. I feel you, my friend. That is why I decided to write this blog post about Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL). This article will help you identify this skin condition so that you can start making the changes needed to can help your skin while scheduling a consultation with your local Aesthetician to purchase the best skincare products to heal your skin.

What is TEWL?

Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL) is the water that evaporates from the skin between inside the body and the outside of the skin. Furthermore, It compromises the skin barrier and can cause a variety of skin conditions including dry skin and dry skin with acne. Culprits include environmental factors or internal factors.

What causes TEWL?

TEWL and skincare.  Best moisturizer.  Fuck Acne.

We tend to lose one pint of water from our skin each day. Replenishing the skin is key. There are many culprits that can affect the skin.
Possible causes include:

How to prevent TEWL?

TEWL and skin conditions.  Fuck Acne.

We can enhance the skin’s function by looking at intrinsic and extrinsic factors. While drinking water is key to our bodies functioning better, we should also focus on better digestion as it helps the functionality of the skin while preserving overall health. However, it is better to focus on finding the right skincare products to help correct TEWL. We want skincare to include some of these ingredients: emollients, corticosteroids, immunomodulators, capsaicin, anesthetics, and antihistamines. 

What is Corneotherapy?

Corneotherapy is a basic skin treatment method that focuses on its core principle being to REMOVE and MAINTAIN the skin barrier defense systems. A key principle of Corneotherapy is to keep the epidermis intact at all times by working from the outer layers of the epidermis inward.

According to Dr. Klingman a Corneobiologist, when you see inflamed skin regardless of the cause, the stratum corneum is leaky. The stratum corneum regulates TEWL and helps prevent dehydration. The skin repair process is dependent on proper skin hydration and that’s where we come in. Professional lines such as DMK have the quality ingredients that are needed to protect the skin. We have a variety of moisturizers that can treat and repair the skin when used in conjunction with several professional treatments. DMK’s philosophy is REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT, MAINTAIN. TEWL is no exception and can be treated successfully with DMK Skincare.


Deguchi, M., Uase, H., Nishida, K., & Oi, K. (2020). Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL) -decreasing Effect by Administration of Zinc in the Elderly People. Retrieved 9 March 2020, from https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ja&sp=nmt4&u=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/yakushi/140/2/140_19-00198/_article/-char/ja/&usg=ALkJrhgFuYY_ODIeMrBglcuCCGzDlCOMOQ

King, D. (2020). DMK EFA+ – DMK Skincare | Enzyme Therapy. Retrieved 9 March 2020, from https://www.dannemking.com/product/dmk-efa/?location=Broadway/Country%20Club,%20Tucson,%20AZ%2085716,%20USA&radius=100

Lio, M.D., P. (2020). Leaky gut, leaky skin, or both?. Retrieved 9 March 2020, from https://www.dermatologytimes.com/atopic-dermatitis/leaky-gut-leaky-skin-or-both

Petrou, M.D., I. (2020). Activating cutaneous vitamin D: Low-dose UVB strengthens epidermal barrier, antimicrobial function. Retrieved 9 March 2020, from https://www.dermatologytimes.com/welcome-modernmedicine/activating-cutaneous-vitamin-d-low-dose-uvb-strengthens-epidermal-barrier-antimicrobial-function

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