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Read about how Incandescent skin Came to be

Meet Alissa, Owner and Paramedical Aesthetician at Incandescent skin.  Sugaring Specialist and Skincare guru.
Alissa with Incandescent Skin, Tucson Skin Revision, Tucson Facials, and Tucson Sugaring

Alissa, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.

I started my esthetics career in 2013. This was a new beginning for me. I kept my story as private as possible. No one really knew what I was going through. My story feels similar to that of the life cycle transformation (or metamorphosis) a caterpillar to a butterfly.

I think when we are younger, we tend to throw ourselves into life and “live to work” instead of “work to live”. Many define success as getting married, having children, going to school and establishing a career—I did that. I did it all. It sometimes takes a profound experience for people to recognize that you only get one life and you only have one chance to live it. I chose to make the rest of my life the best of my life. For me, it took a few traumatic events to make some dramatic shifts in my life. Namely, my body went into “dis-easement”. I’m sharing this part of my story only to illustrate that amongst the worst of adversity lies hope.

After a successful career as a school counselor and within the beginning stages of a doctoral education, I got sick. I was lucky, though, because I only had to endure the horrid effects for a month before I was diagnosed with celiac disease, an autoimmune disease where grains such as wheat, rye, and barley attack the celia. Our celia absorbs nutrients to the body. My celia was gone and it wasn’t determined why I experienced the effects in 2009 instead of earlier in my life. It is genetic and I’m grateful to have some quality medical professionals helping me with this transition.

Unfortunately, one autoimmune disease rarely stays one. More follow. I figured out that stress was a major contributor and trigger to my wellbeing. I had to make some difficult decisions and ultimately decided that I needed to leave my job. Just when I thought I was out of the woods, I found myself hospitalized in 2012 for pulmonary embolisms. Twice. I found out I have a blood-clotting disorder called Factor V (also genetic). Being in the hospital at the time, I remember thinking This is it. I may not recover from this. After my second hospitalization, I pushed through and made an important decision to not be a sick person, and therefore, I’m not. I will do what I need to do for the sake of my health, but I choose not to dwell on these diagnoses. I have been moving forward ever since and I rarely look back.

In an effort to create a life with work that fills my heart and also keeps stress at bay, I chose skin. It was an intuitive decision. I knew this was the route I was supposed to be on. I received my esthetician license in 2013 and proceeded to get a job at a local Aesthetic chain. While I was incredibly grateful to gain real-life experience, I knew fairly quickly that I wanted to go into business for myself with my esthetic career. With my own business, I could create the treatments I wanted to offer and I could allow the time I needed to build relationships with my clients. I also found that I was able to apply my counseling skills in this setting, too. It was a win-win.

In March 2015, Incandescent Skin was born and it has been a beautiful journey.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?

Owning my own business hasn’t been easy. It has been a challenge and I use that word positively. There hasn’t been one endeavor I’ve embarked on that didn’t present challenges. It’s what I know and have accepted about my journey. As long as I am doing something that fills my heart and helps people feel good about themselves, then I know I’m exactly where I need to be.

I’m still learning the ways of marketing and social media. It feels like my work is never done. I’ve had to learn that no matter what industry I work in, boundaries are a necessary part of life. When I’m not at work, I’m working on social media, my website, email marketing, graphic design, continuing education, etc. I could work 70 hours a week without boundaries.

A few years ago, I decided that I wanted Incandescent Skin to be more than just spa facials. Making a bigger difference in my esthetics career became increasingly important to me. The search began for a new skincare line that was corrective. I wanted to do something more that was in between plastics and aesthetics. I took to Facebook forums where I read and absorbed everything these amazing people talked about. I’ll never forget someone said something about The Skin Fairy’s posts on Instagram. It is called DMK there was no stopping me. Especially because I hypothesized that since Arizona and Australia have similar climates, if Australians can have success with the line, so would Arizonans.

I was trained in DMK in March 2018. I received my paramedical training in August 2019 and I’m doing what I absolutely love with all the tools I need to make dramatic changes in the skin. As a person in her mid-40s, it’s no surprise that aging gracefully is one of my focuses. I understand how it feels to have my body change. People come to see me as they too are struggling with these changes and it is truly an honor to help people feel good within their own skin.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the story of how Incandescent Skin came to be.

As a finalist in an international skincare competition, I think my skills and love for the esthetics career definitely set me apart. DMK’s enzyme therapy is unique and to my knowledge, I am the only person utilizing it in Tucson. I am currently the only paramedically trained therapist in Tucson. I would describe my training and the product line as being able to delve deeper into skin revision. My office is a sanctuary for anyone wanting to improve their skin. My clients receive my time, my ear and continued support through this process.

DMK’s Enzyme Therapy works deep within the skin to give noticeable improvements and a rejuvenated complexion. A DMK Enzyme therapy treatment is designed to unclog pores, dissolve dead cells and impurities trapped within the skin. It also restores oxygen and vital cellular nutrition.

Paramedical skincare requires additional training to use specific tools in pH skin revision. We address skin conditions such as severe acne, light and deep wrinkles, stubborn pigmentation and scarring. They are based on a natural healing approach using various modalities and botanical chemistry to restore skin functionality. The philosophy is to remove dead skin cells and rebuild the functionality preceded by protecting your skin from environmental factors and maintaining the integrity of our work through DMK’s home care products. Results can be seen with a series of treatments but most see a benefit after just the first treatment.

In addition to skin revision, I’m also a master sugarist for hair removal. I have been using this cold sugaring method in my practice for over four years. It is an organic paste that is used to remove hair naturally in the direction of the hair growth. Most clients find this form of hair removal less painful after multiple treatments. Most people also see hair grows back less over time.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?

I don’t believe in “luck” per se. I believe in hard work, perseverance and trusting my intuition. I’ve experienced some really good things and I have experienced some very tragic situations. When I listen to my gut instincts, I’m usually on point. It’s that simpl.


  • My pricing can be accessed on my website at http://incandescentskin.com/. I create customized packages that range from $1000 to $2000 on average; however, it is designed to include 6-12 treatments along with all of the home care products needed for healing during the skin revision process.

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http://voyagephoenix.com/interview/meet-alissa-caillet-incandescent-skin-im-located-tucson-arizona/ or Read the contents below.

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