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Sugar is the #1 culprit to compromised skin.

The number one culprit to skin conditions is sugar.

How can something that tastes so good be so bad for the body? Sugar is the #1 culprit to compromised skin. It’s true.  How much sugar do you eat daily? It’s time to take inventory before the next yummy holiday arrives.
A high amount of sugar is bad for the skin and the body.  If you are gearing up for the holiday social festivities that include eating delicious food, it’s best to plan and to be intentional about your food intake.  Sugar is in everything.  Soda, desserts, alcohol, carbohydrates metabolize into sugar, fruit, and candy.  Pretty much if it tastes good, our culprit is hidden in that gem. Below are examples of how sugar can affect the skin.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar per day for women and 9 teaspoons (38 grams) for men. This is probably a difficult guide to follow because once you start reading labels, it’s quite surprising how much sugar is in your favorite cereal or processed food.

Candy and Sugar affect the skin and cause inflammatory conditions
  • *Sugar can lead to inflammation within the body which causes discomfort and lethargy.  
  • *Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, and glycation (deep wrinkles), are other examples of the intake of sugar.
  • *Sugar surpasses white blood cells in the body. White blood cells are the “soldiers” who fight off bacteria and infection.
  • *Sugar breaks down the collagen within the skin (the substance that plumps your skin).
  • *Painful acne breakouts can result from high sugar intake.
  • *It dehydrates the skin.
  • *It increases the testosterone levels which hardens the blood vessels.  
  • *It can cause the skin to become dull, lackluster and increase dark circles.  

Be intentional over the holidays.  Preserve your mind, body, and skin with minimal sugar intake. 

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